Jun 3, 2007

Photos: My Mum's Garden

So I finally got to take a shortwalk round my mum's garden, took the camera with me and captured these pictures. I really liked the first one, the close-up of the flower. So summer time!

Above Photo: OK. I've no idea what this is, it really looked like a flower, with no petals. Anybody knows what plant this is?

Above Photo: Early grapes, or baby grapes as I call them. Just had to capture a grape moment here ;)

Above Photo: And of course, followed with a grape-leaf moment too.


Animesh Ray said...

Those are some really great photos. 100% pro!

Reema said...

Cheers Ray, totally cool you liked them. Happy evening! =)

Anonymous said...

Same here! You must have a great camera and be a good photographer ;)
Beautiful pics and flowers ^^.
TC Reema,

Mirage Chopper said...

Your first picture looks like something that could be on an inspirational poster of some sort; its beautiful. Also, the third one: I'd be interested to find out what species this is; It does look like a spider or something, or perhaps one of those dandelion things with the seeds on it, but somewhat glorified. There I go thinking again... Too many cheerios this morning.

Reema said...

Aww thanks! *blushing*
I love photography, but still want to improve like the real pro. New cameraisn't such a bad idea either. Take care W!

Hehe too many cheerios :P
Yeah the first one is my fave. And about the third one, yeah actually, it does look a bit like a dandelion, only it was much more taller kinda. Yeah, it would be interesting knowing what species it really is. Take care :)

Designing Fairy said...

magnificent, delicious-colored flowers! Love the unknown one. It is like the flower exploded! Thanks for the comments on my blog, Reema! So appreciated...

Reema said...


Thank you! Oh yes actually, it kinda looks like it has exploded. Glad to know you liked the flowers :) Happy day!

Eddie said...

nice work you have there. it must be interesting being so verbal and so visual at the same time. does your creativity alternate between the two or are you both sides simultaneously?

Reema said...

Thanks for your kind words Eddie! Yeah it is pretty interesting I think, and regarding your question I believe I'm an both-sider kinda. I believe I need a mixture of both to function. Cheers for commenting! Enjoy your day ;)