May 31, 2007

It's okay

I used to be so sugar sweet
For such a long, long time indeed
Always smiling, always happy
Kindness flourished, nothing crappy
And suddenly I don't know how
A voice inside that told me - Now,
Look around and do you see
How dark all things have come to be?
No, please listen, I'm not bad,
I'm not mental, I'm not mad!
Please look at me, beyond my eyes
A shattered soul never lies
Beyond my smile, beyond it all
Pain, sadness, anger have their call
The bloody battle deep within
Makes living life a crucial sin
Bullet words escape my lips
A word that hurts, a word that slips
I hate the way how badness bends
I hate the way I hurt my friends
But the troubled pain that hides inside
Has carried me and the world apart
Silver sun is faded, gone
No love, no goodness, nothing, none!
I'm quiet, yes, but look I scream!
My eyes are wide; this dreadful dream -
A happy face can also cry
Though smiles are flashing, eyes are dry
The secret pain that's born and bred
Has torn my soul, I'm almost dead
I want to tell, just spit it out,
Just tell the world, just scream, just shout!
But no matter how hard I think,
No words would tell, and so I sink
Deeper, deeper down this well
So lost and helpless; living hell
And so I know the only cure,
The remedy that'd work for sure
A smile, a moment, a tiny shrug
Two people closer, and a hug
The timeless whisper in my ear
The simple words I've longed to hear
Life is hard, yet you would say:
The soothing words of "it's okay"

It's okay.

Copyright © Realm of Reema


Steven Winn Alexander said...

Yep, I have tropical biodiversity here in the Amazon. You have it in your words and writing. Let's keep searching for the meaning of it all.

A.Blogget said...

Sometimes I find myself in your poems. Thank you for expressing so eloquently the words which I cannot. Beautiful poem :)

Anonymous said...

Wow, that was great, Reema! Loved the rhyme :D

Mirage Chopper said...

Absolutely beautiful. The photo of the eye is breathtaking.

Reema said...

Steven A,
Thank you, yepp I agree, lets keep searching for the meanings :)

Yes, nice yet strange to find oneself perfectly expressed in other peoples words. Thank you for your kind comments, I truly appreciate your honesty.

Awsome! Happy to know you loved it! Hehe, yes, can't help myself, I love rhymes :)

Oh thank you so much! Awsome, totally cool that you liked the eye photo. *Happy* :)

Take care all, your comments are always so appreciated, you all inspire me to "keep going".

Happy writing!

A.Blogget said...

Hey! the eye picture is new here! I love it! I think it visualy reflects the poem, fits like a glove, compliments it even.
You are very talented!

Reema said...


Yepp it's new! you really think so, awsome!! Thank you :)

Anonymous said...

hi i really like your poem and it somehow reflects me...
i took it and posted it in my space ...
sorry .. but i really like your words..
thanx and keep going :D


Anonymous said...

Wow that photo of the eye is kind of tripy. Hey, I found your blog on the Bloggers Choice Awards where your blog has been nominated for the Best Photography Blog.
You can add a brag badge to your blog, the code is on the same page that people can go to Vote For This Site!

sawan said...
