Apr 26, 2007

Speaking of Divorce

The house is quiet. Nobody's around, except my mom. I feel so isolated. Again, a cageless prisoner. This whole world, this life is a prison. I'm doomed to be here whether I want to or not. A continued pace. Step by step. Breath by breath. This has been the most confusing and most boring time of my life. But nobody cares. Nobody knows. And it doesn't matter if they know or not, what would they change anyway? Yeah, that's right, everything would just remain the same... Like this self-declared war. I hate adults! I don't want to grow up. Not at all, I mean it. The way adults hate each other. The way adults don't use their brains to think. The way adults ruin families, lives! I swear, the more they grow older, the dumber they become. Their hearts harden, their souls evaporate.. You know, the bad thing in life is when two adults, a wife and a husband, don't love eachother anymore. Nothing compares.. Nothing!

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