Apr 29, 2007

Escape From Reality

Before me I watch the sea. Its systematic ripples almost hypnotise me, I'm spellbound. Its beauty appeals.. almost magical. I'm breathless. Me and the sea only, nothing beyond, nothing behind. It draws me closer, closer. My bare skin is almost in contact with the water. I hear distant sounds from behind me. In a far away place children are crying. Men are screaming. Something is up, something really bad. I can sense it. Something is burning. Sirens about to sounds. I should turn. I sould run to help. But the water.. it attracts me. No muscle is moving, and somehow I'm gliding just above the ground's surface. Like a magnet the sea attracts me, little by little.. so slowly, I'm almost there. The screams and cries are getting louder, perhaps closer. But I don't want to know. I don't want to turn. I can't turn, no, not now.. I'm almost there! The water, oh how perfectly cool it now feels against my skin. Rising, rising.. reaching my chest now. An ice-cold relief and some invisible hands turn me to face what once was behind me: A burning city, ruined homes. I see orphans, dead bodies.. I smile, one last time, before the sucking power of death overtakes me. I am free.

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